WFWP Malta, Celebrating 'PFWS' / Brief meeting with Archbishop, 25 June 2015: Thursday, 25th June marked the 1st Anniversary of the (PFWS) 'President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society'. WFWP Malta was invited along with various VIPs and other representatives of registered NGOs to attend a celebration hosted by Her Excellency, Ms. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca at San Anton Palace.
The President gave an overview of all 42 events held through this first year. She explained how she had personally met and discussed various issues of interest with most sections of society. Those who attended had a chance to express their ideas and needs. The foundation had surprisingly come a long way with breaking social barriers in the way it operated as a platform for different voluntary organisations to contribute more effectively in the wellbeing of society as a whole!
Ms. Myrabelle Corlett and Ms. Comfort Ahunanya representing WFWP Malta attended the event. During the reception that followed, taking place in the in palace garden, they were able to personally, briefly greet H.E the President and the newly appointed Archbishop of Malta, Mgr. Charles J. Scicluna amongst other guests.
PS: attached please find photo of Myrabelle Corlett and Comfort Ahunanya with the newly appointed Archbishop of Malta, Charles J. Scicluna.
For more info re: President's Found. for Wellbeing of Society: pfws.org.mt
Reported by Myrabelle Corlett WFWP Malta President