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The 1% Love Share Project nurtures the hopes of women and childrenin various parts of the global village. The 1% Love Share Project is a campaign of sharing carried out by donating only 1,000 Korean won(about 1 USD) every month to help women and children suffering from poverty and diseases across the world.In this world, countless children are suffering from hunger and disease. There are more than 1.2 billion people in the world who live on less than $1 a day.The 1% Love Share Project is a unique campaign initiated by the WFWP to facilitate the continuous practice of true love and living together in harmony, and the small offering you give will help warm the hearts of our neighbors in the global village.

1% Love Sharing
The project's origin

1% Love Share Project is WFWP Korea's signature humanitarian project which initially started in the name of "North Korea Love Share 1% Project" to help women and children in NK and has expanded its activities and support to underdeveloped countries to achieve the UN SDGs, emergency relief and humanitarian activities in the countries with natural disasters.

For NK support, due to the current NK-SK relation, it is difficult for us to directly support NK right now. Therefore, we have been supporting 3 NK defector organizations and schools in SK for over 10 years. The first photo was taken in Cambodia during the completion ceremony and the second photo was sent from one of the NK defectors' schools that we support.

An old tradition in Scandinavia

My husband and I started with carpeting 2007. An old tradition in Scandinavia is to take care of rags and then assemble them in a loom, it can be like weaving a life story. Our purpose then was to break the ice between us and our relatives. I thought this could be a way to come closer ..and it worked, I'm pleased to say! The last year we have moved again within Sweden to live near the woods of Kloten so there is a new era for us. 
Suddenly this idea for unification of North/South Korea felt imminent! But what can we do to speed up the providence even more? If you would like us to support the 1 % Love Share Project, we could make you a unique carpet; the width will be 80cm, length can vary around 150cm with the colours of your choice. Please contact John and Viveka Freeland / Cost is Euro 60:- + postage
Viveka Freeland

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