2nd Annual Conference on “No Peace Without Women”
The second conference in the series of 'No Peace Without Women' was held on 13th June 2023, at the Parliament in Pristina, Kosovo. Sponsors and partners were the Kosovo Office of the Prime Minister, and the EUME branches of WFWP, WFWPI UN Office, UPF, and the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP). The conference opened with an address from the Prime Minister of Kosovo, HE Albin Kurti, who had excused himself from an urgent meeting on the situation in the north of Kosovo to do so. HE Liza Gashi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and HE Emilia Redžepi, Deputy Prime Minister were also speakers and critical elements in the preparations, and in extending invitations to Members of Parliament. The event was attended by 120 leaders, 12 of whom were Ambassadors from different nations of Europe and the Balkans, with over 20 media outlets covering the event.

What are women bringing to peace processes, conflict prevention and human security.
Commemorating the UN International Day of Peace, the Women’s Federation for World Peace Europe and Middle East held a conference on September 15.
Since the year 2000, annual events have been hosted with prominent women leaders on a broad range of global and regional concerns. With our new partner, the International Association of First Ladies for Peace, we combined our strengths to hold events and gatherings that included the unique perspective on issues by the First Ladies of nations.
Mrs. Carolyn Handschin-Moser President, WFWP Europe; Coordinator, IAFLP, EU & ME opened the meeting. “No Peace Without Women; What are Women bringing to Peace Processes, Conflict Prevention and Human Security?”
With Consecutive Roundtables from 4pm- 7:30 pm CET Hon Nayla Moawad Former First Lady, and Minister of Social Affairs Lebanon; co-sponsored the conference. Dr. Julia Moon, President WFWPI said: “there has never been a time, when the voices of women, were more desperately needed in our world… We can see that the power for change in society, is found in the heart of love, for others, rooted in a spiritual awareness, of the value of all life…. WFWP teaches, that only through the invisible, spiritual power of unselfish love, can we achieve, our desperately desired goals, for happiness”
As we find ourselves confronted again, shockingly, with war at our doorstep, we decided to convene a meeting of experts and practitioners whose engagement for peace is renowned and whose resolve to advance peaceful settlement of tensions is unwavering.
We addressed these concerns together, considering minimizing human suffering and preventing circumstances that have justified conflict as the best solution. Tapping local knowledge, re-thinking governance and global institutions, enhancing civil society/government partnership, are but a few thoughts to prevent the situation we find ourselves in today. Women leaders, who are often mothers as well, have something unique, effective, and convincing to bring to the table.
Mme. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission on Europe, Geneva; and Ms. Adriana Quinones, Director UN Women Office UN, Geneva spoke in the opening session.

IAFLP Inaguration
IAFLP affirms the unique and essential role that women leaders are called to play in bringing about a world of lasting peace. In its founding Resolution, the IAFLP declared it brings together 'women leaders from all national, racial and religious backgrounds and all sectors of society, together with those who have lived the responsibility of First Ladies in their nations, uniting in solidarity to respond to today’s challenges'. The loving and sacrificial leadership of women working together to empower our youth for goodness, to build cohesive communities and, with men, establish models of ethical and balanced leadership to guide them has never been more critical. The IAFLP Resolution stands up for the central role that women and mothers have played throughout human history and as decisive contributors to reconciliation, peacebuilding, reconstruction and development in the wider society and world. IAFLP is an association dedicated to creating a world that is interdependent, mutually prosperous and based on universally shared values.