Dec.6 th 2022
Moniheli is an umbrella organization for multicultural organizations in Finland. It has over 100 independent associations under it. Its purpose is to support immigrants in many ways, from upholding and encouraging their own cultural traditions also to integrate in Finland. Moniheli has organized Multicultural Independence Day celebration for immigrants since 2006.This year’s central theme was Peace and Tolerance. In July one Ambassador for Peace, who was in the government of Moniheli, asked me to give a speech at this year’s Moniheli’s Independence Day celebration representing Women’s Federation for World Peace. There was an audience of 200 people present in the venue and many more watching the program via live stream. The program included several dance group performances from traditions such as Thai, Indian and Palestinian. There were a couple of speakers from Moniheli as well one speaker, the vice mayor representing the city of Helsinki. I was introduced as the representative from a very important association Women’s Federation for
World Peace, acknowledging the central role of women as peace makers as well as the mothers of our future generations. Indeed, I felt honoured to introduce True Parents as the founders of WFWP and some of the key principles and our international activities to this big audience.