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WFWP Spain -40th Anniversary of AFAMMER

The Women’s Federation for World Peace International was invited by AFAMMER, an organization in Spain which is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year working to achieve equality for rural women, to speak at this important celebration in Madrid in December 2022. Merly Christina Barlaan, Vice President of WFWPI and Director of WFWPI Relations with the UN in NY, was recommended by Marcia de Abreu to represent us on such an occasion.

The conference gathered important Spanish leaders from the political, media, academia and social fields. Merly Barlaan shared panel with the Former First Lady of Spain, Ana Botella, Petra Bentkampe, President of the German Rural Women’s Association, Arancha Escalada, Director of Institutional Communications and CSR of Reale Seguros, and Sonia Garza González, National President of the Mexican Association of Women Heads of Companies (AMMJE).

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