On Sunday November 19th, as part of UK National Interfaith Week, around 120
people came together for peace, in an event jointly hosted by WFWP and UPF.
It was especially meaningful given the current state of our troubled world. The
event took place in the beautiful Prayer Hall of the Al Mahdi Institute, with
people of all faiths being represented.
Following an invocation by Pastor Elaine Palmer-Taylor, women from seven
different faith traditions offered readings and prayers on our theme of ‘Faith,
Family and our shared aspiration for Peace’, including our elder sister, Ruth,
from the Jewish faith, who is still active at 102 years old!
Five speakers then addressed the topic from their different faith perspectives,
including the Institute’s Director, Sheikh Arif Abdul Hussain, and peace activist
Shreen Mahmood who had recently returned from humanitarian work in
Morocco. David Earle gave a presentation about the vital importance of finding
peace in our relationship with God, with one another, and most importantly in
our families. We then presented four Ambassador for Peace awards, including
to Cllr Muhammad Afzal, a former Lord Mayor and councillor, who has touched
the lives of countless people in his more than 40 years of public service.
The official programme concluded with words from Pastor Sam Bawa, after
which we enjoyed refreshments and the richness of one another’s company,
with many new friendships being made during the final hour. In addition,
through donation boxes and a dear friend, Sabira, selling exquisite candles, we
were able to raise £700 for the WFWP humanitarian relief fund, which will go to
support children in Gaza.
A very powerful, positive experience, offering so much light and hope in these
dark times. Many thanks to all those who helped to organise, and contributed
to, such a successful programme.