Feb 13WFWP UN Vienna office - Meet & Greet. What Civil society can bring to the table to support the SDGsTuesday, February 13th, 2024, 8 PM CETZoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81511065089?pwd=N0NmTTZUZXcyMVlMaVBIUjhoc1YrZz09
Tuesday, February 13th, 2024, 8 PM CETZoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81511065089?pwd=N0NmTTZUZXcyMVlMaVBIUjhoc1YrZz09
WFWP UN Vienna - The Role of Youth and Civil Society tousher in a Peaceful Society. Honourung the UN Founding Day.