‘WFWP Bergamo/Italy held this meeting with all their associated members in Bergamo to make plans for the year. A report by Elisabetta Nistri and Elizabeth Schneider:‘In the morning, the local WFWP President, Mrs Giannina Figus, read and commented on some extracts of recent speeches of our international Founder Doctor Hak Ja Han Moon; these words emphasise the importance of taking responsibility and caring for the world’s problems with a mother’s heart, and to be a good educator in our own families. Mrs Elisabetta Nistri, President of WFWP Italy, was invited to share about the activities in Rome as well as on the National level and to report about the last European WFWP Meeting in Venice. She reported that WFWP’s focus on the European Level will be to protect the values of the family. After some refreshments that all the ladies prepared with much heart and most of all with natural and healthy ingredients, it was the time to listen to all the activities undertaken in 2013 in Bergamo, and also to plan future projects. All the members were very happy to welcome our newest associated member, our dear friend Sister Leonor, a Catholic nun.’
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