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WFWP Netherlands - UN Day of Families 2014

May 17th, The Hague, Christus Triumfator Church WFWP Netherlands in cooperation with UPF organized an event to honor the UN Day of Families 2014. A report by Rita Salaris: 'Through these observances the UN gives us an opportunity to invite other organisations/foundations to celebrate this day together by pointing out the difficulties, but they provide an opportunity to be grateful for the accomplishment in history. The presence of participants from different religions and from different cultural backgrounds made the event vibrant. The speakers were interesting and to the point in their approach of the family. From talking about the Christian European heritage and analyzing the serious threats to the family unit ( to the detailed scenario of a child torn apart because of her loyality to her divorced parents - Dr. Nagy explained these through the method of Contextual Therapy approach of family therapy and individual psychotherapy. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (Hungarian by birth) is a founding member of the Family Institute of Philadelphia and the American Family Therapy Academy. He also founded the Institute for Contextual Growth, where he and his wife Dr. Catharine Ducommun-Nagy, also a psychiatrist and family therapist, offered training in the Contextual Therapy approach. Dr. Nagy was co-author of the book Invisible Loyalties, which influenced the family therapeutic method worldwide. We learned a lot through the speakers and the audience was inspired to meet other organizations interested in furthering the importance of family values.

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