"The Women’s Federation for World Peace Spain and the Universal Peace Federation Spain joined efforts in order to organize a charity concert whose benefits would go to help release the pain of those affected by the earthquake in Nepal. This event took place on the 29th of May in Madrid.
This concert wouldn’t be such a concert if it hadn’t counted on the generous support and participation of a group of artists, volunteers and the public.
On this occasion a group of artists got together specially for the day of the concert. Antonio Enzan Olias, great musician and knowlegeable of vendic cantics, khoomi and shakuhachi; Raul Balbuena delighted us with the bansuri and other instruments of percussion; Kaveh Sarvarian, an expert in the Persian ney and tombak; Antonio Berdones, who played the transverse flute wonderfully; Ernesto Schmied with flutes and electronics; and Radia Moraleda Sánchez, who captivated us all taking us to the Orient with her voice, the tempura and khomus. The Darling poetess, Verónica Aranda, read some of her poems written during the period she lived in Katmandú.
This group, formed provisionally, interpreted mantras, vedic, hymns, songs from Nepal, Persian music, cantics of Tuva and Japanese music. All was interpreted in a solemn way with the desire of consoling the souls of those who lost their lives during the earthquake and the heart of those who survived, but whose lives were left dispossessed of family, housing and everything. We are also very grateful for the gastronomic food bazaar, so important as a fund raiser.
All the benefits were sent to the Women’s Federation for World Peace in Nepal, via the International Relief Friendship Foundation (affiliated organization)."
Reported by Marcia de Abreu, WFWP Spain