A two days workshop on « Vision and Principle of Peace » was organized jointly with UPF and
WFWP France . This program took place on July 6 and 7 in St Remy les Chevreuse near Paris
in a beautiful surrounding.
We had 16 guests coming from all over France and representing all its diversity and few
members from UPF and WFWP were supporting this workshop . Each of the participants are
Ambassador for peace and very activ . The presentation was given by Hugo Verax , the
chairman of West region, Jacques Marion , vice president of UPF Europe and Laurant Ladouce.
Hugo Veracx presented the life and work of the founders, placing them in the troubled
context of Korea and, more broadly, of a region of the world (North-East Asia) which will play
a central role in the 21st century.
Mr Marion has shown the limits of a rationalist and humanist approach to peace. True peace
unites humanity as one family around the parental heart of God. God's parental love unites
the spiritual and physical planes, as well as the masculine and feminine. All beings are
complementary. Hence an ethic of cooperation and collaboration based on altruism. In this
global approach, everyone has rights, but above all an active role to play: to serve, to
contribute, to create.
In his presentations, Laurent Ladouce showed that two problems haunt human history and
create a painful sense of 'déjà vu':
(1) How to resolve the problem between man and woman (between Adam and Eve), and
overcome the powerlessness of all religious, philosophical and scientific thinking to grasp the
issues of the couple, marriage and sexuality.
(2) How to resolve the problem between brothers (Cain and Abel) and the temptation to
violence, hatred and rejection of others that seems to have always plagued human beings.
Human beings seem to be constantly reliving a fundamental failure to achieve the good they
desire. Today we are living through the "denouement" of these two problems.
After each lecture participants had the possibility to ask questions and they were very
concentrated during the lectures.
We had also a cultural evening together which created a wonderful family atmosphere.
