Co-operation of WFWP Ukraine - Germany:
On April 16, 2023, WFWP of Ukraine, together with the German WFWP, held an Easter festival for the families of Ukrainian refugees in the city of Jüterbog/Northern part of Germany. Interactive games were organized for several groups of children and a group of parents. Joint games and a sports relay race delighted everyone, it also helps children and parents to get closer. Treats were prepared - Easter cakes, pies and other sweets, tea, coffee, juice and various drinks. Our needlewomen organized a handmade fair, where you could buy handicrafts and support the projects of WFWP of Ukraine. For Ukrainians, it was not just a festival, they were able to meet with their compatriots, communicate, this is very much missed by everyone. And now, after a cold winter, we can go out into nature and spend more time together. In total, 87 people participated in the celebration. Of these, 38 children and 49 adults. Liebe Grüße, Anastasia