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WFWP Sweden - Sharing & Cyprus conference report

On the 14th of Jan 2024, Vigdis Parkins and Britta Houston, directors of the north region, could in person give a report in Stockholm about the conference in Cyprus. Around 25 participants attended in total. Britta gave a short introduction and also expressed thanks that Sweden was able to sponsor participation at the conference of Nargis Mommand Hassanzai, a women’s rights activist from Afghanistan. 

Vigdis gave an inspiring PowerPoint presentation that showed the content of the leadership conference as well as the sisterhood spirit and fun that was generated by the diverse group of women coming together in Cyprus. 

The audience in Stockholm consisting of both women and men, listened attentively. In the evening a few core members of WFWP-Sweden were invited out for dinner to discuss plans for the new year as well as ways to improve communication channels. A decision was made to start up a whatsup group for the Swedish members .


On the 19th Jan. The Malmö team could meet up for information about the conference as well as discussing grassroot level work in the local area of Malmö.

A decision was made to meet again in 2 weeks’ time.

Report by Britta Houston


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