Conference Content, Photos, Videos, Presentations, Bios

Opening Banquet
Moderator: Ms. Marcia de Abreu, WFWP Europe Sec. Gen. /
WFWP President, Spain
Ms. Mitty Tohma, WFWP Europe President, WFWP UK President
Ms. Moriko Hori, WFWP International President / WFWP Japan President
Ms. Danuta Przywara, President of the Council of the Helsinki Foundation for
Human Rights
Dr. Susana del Rio, Member of the Independent Experts Committee of the
European Commission, European Union and Ambassador of Peace, Spain
Dr. Michael Balcomb, Co-Chair of Universal Peace Federation Europe
& Middle East
Ms. Aleksandra Skonieczna, WFWP Poland President
Musical Interlude: Mr. Wojciech Skonieczny

Session I
The Invaluable Contribution of Women to Peace Education

Session I
The Role of Education in Promoting Peace and Stability in Society

Session Ia.
From Conflict to Cooperation: Lessons in Non-Violent Resolution
Moderator: Ms. Margoth Kalstad, WFWP Norway President
1. Ms. Zofia Schacht-Petersen, Somatic and Developmental Trauma Therapist, Poland
2. Dr. Iris Dotan Katz, Clinical Psychologist, Israel
3. Ms. Carol Burnnock Kim, WFWP Ireland Vice-President

Session 1b.
Steps Towards Reconciliation: ‘Peace Starts with Me’ and ‘The Bridge of Peace’
Moderator: Ms. Katerina Minolari, WFWP Albania President
1. Ms. Joanna Gaspar, Coach for Personal and Spiritual Development Prog., France
2. Ms. Carolyn Handschin, Director Offices for CSW UN Europe, Switzerland
3. Ms. Marcia de Abreu, WFWP Europe Secretary General / WFWP Spain President

Session II
The Role of Women of Faith in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building

Moderator: Ms. Agnieszka Rosa, WFWP Poland Vice-President
1. Ms. Moriko Hori, WFWP International President, Japan
2. Ms. Tina Lindhard, President of CICA Foundation (Intl. Dialogues about
the Brain and Aggression)
3. Ms. Soraya Ayouch, Psychologist for Judicial Youth Protection, France
4. Ms. Faride Romano Hadid, Representative of Neve Shalom/Wahat as Salam, Spain

Session III
Empowering Communities: NGOs-led Relief Initiatives for Transforming Lives

Moderator: Ms. Amanda Toumanguelov, WFWP Ireland President
Ms. Asha Omar Geesdiir, Govt. Advisor on Human Rights in Somalia, Sweden
Ms. Aleksandra Iwanowska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Poland
Ms Iryna Gould, Founder of London Ukrainian Symphony Orchestra, UK
Ms. Marilyn Angelucci, WFWP Afghanistan President, Turkey

Session IV
Young Professionals: Women in STEM Driving Positive Societal Change

Moderator: Ms. Kefilwe Lebepe, WFWP Intl. Young Professionals Director, Germany
Ms. Stella Harris, Gender Advocate, UK
Ms. Elham Kohistani, Human Rights Defender, Afghanistan
Ms. Sophia Nicholls, Communication Officer and Director of YSP, UK
Ms. Kyung In van de Ven Oliveira, WFWP UN Vienna Representative, Netherland

Session V
Awards and Closing Session

Moderator: Ms. Brigitte Wada, WFWP Europe Vice President / WFWP France President
Global Women Peace Ambassador Awards
Participants Reflections
Closing Remarks
Ms. Mitty Tohma, WFWP Europe President, WFWP UK President

Conference organising team

“The Woman Who Carry Change”
Poem by Stella Harris
Poem text
Poland Conferece Summary
Interviews with Participants