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Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Join Us in Our Mission to Support Newborns in Gaza

Dear friends and colleagues,

We hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out to share an urgent initiative from WFWP UK that requires your support. As the situation in Gaza remains critical, we are launching a fundraising campaign to raise £7,000 for a baby incubator that will provide essential medical support to newborns in desperate need.

Phase One: A Life-Saving Investment

So far, we have raised £2,000, and our goal is to raise an additional £5,000 to purchase one incubator. We will set aside these funds and wait until the conflict in Gaza has subsided, ensuring that our efforts can be fully utilized when the time is right. This incubator will be a beacon of hope, offering warmth and protection to fragile babies who deserve a fighting chance at life.


Looking Ahead: A Long-Term Commitment

This is just the beginning. We envision a continued program to raise funds for additional medical equipment and resources to support even more babies in need. Your generosity can help us expand our efforts and make a lasting impact on the lives of countless infants and their families.

1% Love Sharing

The 1% Love Share Project is a campaign initiated by Women's Federation for World Peace International to help eradicate poverty, by collecting donations that amount to just 1% of a donor’s paycheck. With the donations, WFWPI seeks to help those less fortunate around the globe, especially women and children. As members of the global family, it is up to us to look past boundaries and borders, to send love to those suffering, hungry or in need. The 1% Love Share Project began in 2002 with a donation of 30,000 pairs of undergarments to children in North Korea through the Korean Women Leader's Association. More recently, WFWPI has shifted its focus to helping North Korean defectors in South Korea resettle in their new environments through after-school programs that help enrich their minds and heart. The small offering you give will help children around the world continue their education, develop character skills, and build the life they desire.

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Project to aid warfare victim families.

The project goals: to provide psychological, humanitarian and medical aid to families who suffered from Russian military aggression residing in the Kyiv region. In partnership with: Kyivo-Svyatoshin center for social and psychological rehabilitation, Boyarka City Ministry of veteran affairs. We have been actively cooperating with them, providing aid to IDPs, since 2015

See full project incl. photos

Ongoing humanitarian projects around the world

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